This program will open March 1st. Pricing is TBD.
United DFC Soccer introduces a unique program designed for teenagers to come together and enjoy soccer with friends, fostering inclusivity regardless of gender, experience, or skill level. Whether a seasoned player or new to soccer, everyone is invited to join in this inclusive and gender-neutral environment. Our program creates a welcoming space where youth can freely engage in kick-around soccer, free from judgement or gender-related constraints. Join us once a week for camaraderie, skill-building, and pure soccer enjoyment.
This is a kick around session for teens/ preteens (just soccer games). Newcomers welcome!!
U11-18 The age group is flexible as long as the participant can safely play with the other participants.
What does the Safe Space Program Schedule Consist of?
Email for information or to try Safe Space before registering.
There are no tryouts. All teens/pre-teens are welcome!
Friday Nights at Cole Harbour High field
The program will be run by staff and supported by volunteers. This is a kick around session.