Goalkeeper Training with Yann Fillion - Summer 2024

This Summer, United DFC will be offering two Goalkeeper training programs: 
  • Goalkeeper Academy Partner Program with Yann Fillion of Halifax Wanderers FC focused for U14-U18AA/AAA players (REGISTER VIA RAMP)
  • Goalkeeper training with Keith Partridge, Club Goalkeeper Coach for U10-U18 players (REGISTER VIA RAMP) 


Goalkeeper Academy Partner Program with Halifax Wanderers FC Goalkeeper Yann Fillion

The program will run in 3 blocks through the summer:
Program schedule
Twice per week, 90 minutes per session for 9 weeks (May and June is Block 1) 
Twice per week, 90 minutes per session for 9 weeks (July and August is Block 2) 
Twice per week, 90 minutes per session for 8 weeks (Sept and October is Block 3)
U14-U18AAA/AA players with UDFC players having priority in registration.
Space is limited, act early to avoid disappointment.
The cost is $250 per block, which includes coaching, facility, equipment and a training shirt for each participant.
Register via RAMP
The tentative September/October block schedule is as follows:
There is no training for the week of September 18/19
Tuesday, September 3 4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, September 4   4:30-6pm Portland Estates School - EAST
 Tuesday, September 10 4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, September 11  4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday, September 24 4:30-6pm Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, September 25 4:30-6pm Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday, October 1 4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, October 2 4:30-6pm Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday, October 8  4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, October 9  4:30-6pm Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday, October 15  4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, October 16  4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday, October 22  4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, October23 4:30-6pm  Portland Estates School - EAST
Tuesday. October 29 4:30-6pm   Portland Estates School - EAST
Wednesday, October 30 4:30-6pm   Portland Estates School - EAST


Goalkeeper Weekly Training Sessions with Club Goalkeeper Coach Keith Partridge



The program will run in monthly blocks with weekly training sessions. Players will be grouped based on age and ability, with schedule shared dependent on registrants.

Each training block has a theme as follows:

  • May - agility/footwork and handling

  • June - plyo and low dives

  • July - distribution and block/spread saves

  • August - 1v1s and save selection

  • September - parries, punches and high dives


U10-U18 players 

The cost is $40 per month-long block, which includes coaching, facility and equipment 

Register via RAMP

June and July Schedule: 

Fridays at Cole Harbour Turf end zones

U13+ from 6-6:45 pm

U10-U12 from 6:45-7:30 pm



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