Safe Space

Who is our Safe Space Program Designed for?

United DFC Soccer introduces a unique program designed for teenagers to come together and enjoy soccer with friends, fostering inclusivity regardless of gender, experience, or skill level. Whether a seasoned player or new to soccer, everyone is invited to join in this inclusive and gender-neutral environment. Our program creates a welcoming space where youth can freely engage in kick-around soccer, free from judgement or gender-related constraints. Join us once a week for camaraderie, skill-building, and pure soccer enjoyment.

This is a kick around session for teens/ preteens (just soccer games). Newcomers welcome!!

U11-16 The age group is flexible as long as the participant can safely play with the other participants.

What does the Winter Safe Space Program Schedule Consist of?

  • 1 session per week - indoors
  • Seaside Elementary School Gym, Eastern Passage - 1881 Caldwell Road Eastern Passage, NS B3G 1J3
  • School INDOOR Gym - WEAR SNEAKERS (no cleats)
  • Wednesday Evenings (schedule below)
  • Start Time -7:35-9 pm
  • Focus on small sided games with skill development available if participants want it. 

Email for information or to try Safe Space before registering.


How are Teams formed for our Safe Space Program?

There are no tryouts. All teens/pre-teens are welcome! 



November 27 - practice
December 4 - NO SOCCER (gym not available)
December 11 - Last session before the Holidays
December 19- January 1 NO SOCCER (gym not available)

January 8- practice
January 15- practice
January 22- practice
January 29- practice
February 5- practice
February 12- practice
February 19- practice
February 26- practice


Who will be Coaching?

The program will be run by staff and supported by volunteers. This is a kick around session.  




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